Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is made under art. 13 of the D.lgs. # 196/2003 and its subsequent amendments and art. It is not the first time that the European Parliament has been involved in this debate. 679/2016 and applies exclusively to all Data collected through the website

This Policy is subject to updates that will be published on time on the website.

Treatment Owner

The Owner of the Treatment of Data Collected by this Website is Solstizio di Mario Jerez, based in Milano (MI) Viale Certosa, 14 VAT 13434280155 Email:

How Personal Data Is Processed

Personal Data provided or acquired will be subject to Treatment based on the principles of fairness, legality, transparency and protection of confidentiality under the current regulations. The Owner treats the Personal Data of The Users by taking appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of Personal Data. The Treatment is carried out by computer and/or telematics tools, with organizational methods and with logic closely related to the stated purposes. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, they may have access to the Data categories of appointees involved in the organization of the Website (administrative, commercial, marketing, legal, system administrators) or external entities (as suppliers third-party technical services, hosting providers, IT companies, communications agencies) also appointed to the Owner’s Treatment. The updated list of Managers, if appointed, can always be requested from the Treatment Owner. Among the Personal Data collected by this Website, either independently or through third parties, are: Cookies, Usage Data, Email and Name, Contact Form and Newsletter Data. Additional Personal Data collected may be listed in other sections of this Privacy Policy or through informational texts displayed at the same time as the data is collected. Personal Data can be entered voluntarily by you, or collected automatically during the use of this Website. Consent to the award of the Data by the User is necessary to be included in the databases of the Holder and for the purpose of establishing and carrying out what is offered by the User, as well as to third parties for the fulfillment of the individual required activity. Failure to provide is, therefore, preventing registration in the Owner’s databases, refinement of any contracts, and the execution of them and any other possible activities. Therefore, the failure of you to provide certain Personal Data may prevent this Website from providing its services. You take responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties published or shared through this Website and guarantees that you have the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Holder from any liability to third parties.

1) Data voluntarily provided by you

Optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail via Contact Form or Newsletteror Comment Forms, by means of the addresses indicated on this Website, results in the subsequent acquisition of the sender’s address, necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other Personal Data entered in the email. Specific summary information will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the Website prepared for particular services on demand.

2) Treatment Location

The data is processed at the Owner’s headquarters. For more information, please contact

Treatment Owner.

3) Treatment Times

As expressly provided for by art. 5, co. 1, lit. (e) of GDPR, the Data are retained for as long as it takes to process them in relation to the performance of the service required by the

required by the Purposes described in this document.

In particular:

– Data collected for Purposes attributable to the Owner’s legitimate interest will be withheld until that interest is fulfilled.

– Data collected according to your consent may be retained until that Consent is revoked.

– Data processed for advertising and promotional purposes will only be processed until you have exercised your right to withdraw your consent and, in any case, for a period of no more than 2 years, unless you expressly state that you wish to continue to receive these communications.

Data may be retained by the Holder for a longer period in accordance with legal obligations or on the orders of an authority.

You can always ask for the Processing to be stopped or the Data to be deleted.

It is understood that the withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the treatment carried out prior to the revocation itself.

4) Purpose of the Processing of Collected Data

Your Data is collected to allow the Website to provide its services, as well as for the following Purposes: Contact you, Address management and sending email messages, interaction with external platforms and statistics. And in particular:

– to comply with the specific requests made to the Owner by the user through the Website and its communication tools (contact forms, information request forms, comment form and the like);

– for informational communications relating to the services of the same Holder, as a result of the request for information via e-mail messages or filling in the Contact Form and other communication tools;

– to send promotional and advertising newsletters to the person concerned about events and/or initiatives organised and/or sponsored by the Owner;

– for other purposes that are ancillary or linked to those mentioned above and are otherwise within the scope of the website’s activities;

The types of Personal Data used for each purpose are indicated in the specific sections of this document.

The legal basis that makes the treatments in this article legitimate is the consent freely expressed by the person concerned.

5) Cookies

This Website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that can be used by websites to make the user experience more efficient. Cookies are used to customize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze traffic. In addition, information is provided on how you use the site to the Holder’s partners who are involved in web data analysis, advertising and social media, which may combine it with other information that the user has provided to them or that they have collected in based on the use of their services.

Details on the processing of personal data

The Data is collected for the following Purposes and using the following services:

1) Address management and mail inge (This Website)

These services allow you to manage a database of email contacts, telephone contacts or contacts of any other type, used to communicate with you.

These services may also allow you to collect data about the user’s message display date and time, as well as user interaction with them, such as information about clicks on links placed in messages .

2) Contact Form (This Website)

By filling out the Contact Form with your Data, you agree to use them to respond to requests for information, or any other intent indicated by the form header. Personal data collected: Email, First Name and Last Name, phone number.

3) Newsletter (This Website)

By registering for the newsletter, the user’s email address is automatically entered into a contact list to which email messages containing information, also of a commercial and promotional nature, related to this Site can be transmitted. Web. Your email address may also be added to this list as a result of registering with this Site or after making a purchase. Personal Data Collected: Email and Name.

Navigation and hosting data

The computer systems and software procedures in charge of the operation of this Website acquire, in the course of their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

However, this data does not have the owner who does not have access to it even for consultation. Instead, they are stored on the servers of the web space provider.

It is information that is not collected to be associated with identified stakeholders, but which by their very nature could, through elaboration and association with data held by third parties, allow to identify users.

Aruba SPA Provides the Host system to this Website and operates in accordance with applicable law and in accordance with the principles of fairness, legality, transparency and protection of confidentiality and rights. Personal Data Collected: Various types of Data as specified by the Service Privacy Policy. Location of treatment: Italy

Security measures taken

This Website, to make sure when Personal Data is entered, has an SSL certificate and uses HTTPS. With the use of this protocol, the transactions and data that is transmitted on websites take place with maximum security and the content of the communication is not read or manipulated in any way by third parties.


The services contained in this section allow the Treatment Owner only to monitor and analyze traffic data and are used to track the user’s behavior.

1) Google Analytics (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Analytics is a website analytics service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Google uses the Personal Data collected to track and review the use of this Website, compile reports, and share them with other services developed by Google.

Google may use your personal information to contextualize and personalize your ad network ads. Google also makes the browser add-on for disabling Google Analytics available from Google. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Treatment location: Ireland

Content Comment

Comment inges allows Users to make and make public their own comments regarding the content of this Website. U
sers, depending on the settings decided by the Owner, can also leave the comment anonymously. In the case of the personal data issued by the user there is the email, this could be used to send notifications of comments concerning the same content. Users are responsible for the content of their
comments. If a third-party comment ingering service is installed, it may collect traffic data about the pages where the comment service is installed, even if the Users do not use the comment service.

Interaction with Social Networks

These services allow you to make interactions with social networks or other external platforms directly from the pages of this Website. The interactions and information acquired by this Website are in any case subject to the privacy settings of the User related to each social network. If you have an interaction service with social networks, it is possible that even if users do not use the service, the same collects traffic data for the pages where it is installed.

1) Facebook Social Likes and Widgets (Facebook, Inc.)

The Facebook Like button and social widgets are services of interaction with the social network Facebook, provided by Facebook, Inc. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Location of treatment: USA – Privacy Policy

Content on external platforms

These services allow you to view content hosted on external platforms directly from the pages of this Website and interact with th
em. If such a service is installed, it is possible that, even if the Users do not use the service, the same collects Traffic Data related to the pages on which it is installed.

Google Maps (Google Ireland Limited)

Google Maps is a map visualization service run by Google Ireland Limited. which allows this Website to integrate such content within its own pages. Personal data collected: cookies and usage data. Treatment Location: Ireland- Privacy Policy

Learn more about the treatment

1) Defense in court

Your Personal Data may be used for the defense of the Owner in court or in the preparatory stages of its eventual establishment, from abuse in the use of the same or related services by the User. You state that you are aware that the Owner may be required to disclose the Data at the request of the public authorities.

2) Specific information

At your request, in addition to the information contained in this Privacy Policy, this Website may provide you with additional and contextual information regarding specific services, or the collection and processing of Personal Data.

3) System logs and maintenance

Due to operational and maintenance-related needs, this Website may collect System Logs, i.e. files that record interactions and may also contain Personal Data, such as the User IP address.

4) Information not contained in this Privacy Policy

More information in relation to the processing of Personal Data can be requested at any time to the Controller of the Treatment using the contact information.

5) The nature of the data processed and the consequences of a possible refusal

The delivery of browsing data by the Users, for the above purposes, depends on the degree of privacy that you have enabled or disabled through your browser. In some cases, disabling it may affect your browsing on this Website. For certain forms of this Website, the provision of browsing data and/or the use of technical cookies is mandatory for the proper functioning of the Website itself. The provision of some own data is in any case necessary for the structure of the Website and its procedures. In particular, for example:

– The minimum required data, such as the first name/last name and/or e-mail address and/or other identifying data of the sender, are required in any case for sending messages via Form contacts;

At the very end of the scale, the procedure itself cannot be completed.

If you request other optional data, you will be preceded by a check mark of approval. The provision of all other Data is optional, in accordance with the type of information that you wish to give to the Website.

6) Exercise of the rights of the person concerned

In accordance with art. 7 of the D.lgs. It is not the first time that the European Parliament has been involved in this debate. 679/2016 the Person has the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or otherwise of Personal Data concerning him, even if not yet recorded, and their communication in an intelligible form, to know its contents and origin, to verify its accuracy. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and, at the simple request of the Controller of the Treatment, you may request access to personal data, receive the Personal Data provided to the Holder and pass it on to another Holder of the Treatment without hindrance (c.d. Portability), obtaining the update, the limitation of the Processing, the adjustment of the Data and the deletion of those treated in differences from the current legislation. You are entitled for legitimate reasons to object to the Treatment of Personal Data concerning you and the Treatment for the purpose of sending advertising material, selling directly and carrying out market research. The requests of the Interested person can be made by e-mail and forwarded to the e-mail address:

7) Complaint

You always have the right to make a report and file a complaint with a data protection authority under art. GDPR 77.

8) Changes to this Privacy Policy

The Treatment Owner reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time by advertising it to the Users on this page. Please consult this page often, taking as a reference the date of last modified indicated at the bottom. If you do not accept any changes to this Privacy Policy, you are required to cease using this Website and may require the Treatment Owner to remove your Personal Data. Unless otherwise noted, the previous Privacy Policy will continue to apply to personal data collected up to that point.

The Data Processing Owner is responsible for this Privacy Policy.